Thursday, October 5, 2017

Finished your last book? How about a nice little sale!

There are oh so many things to be discussed but first, we must begin with a sale...because it's late and I'm oh so tired and someone said "hey, I'm putting together a promotion for the weekend. Do you wanna' put your books in?"
So, of course, I said, "Why not? A sale seems like a great idea."
Now, you've probably read the three Thyme Witch Books already, but that's not the point. The point is there are 56 other books for sale at either $.99 or there should be a lid for every pot!
And if you missed the memo I might happen to have a little ditty in the Witch or Treat anthology with a delightful slew of other authors. Check it out if you haven't grabbed your copy.
So if you're hankering for something new click on the link and grab you some good clean murdery fun!
Cozy up with a great mystery

Me, I'll be over here writing Bite Marc...insert evil grin.....

Thursday, September 21, 2017

General Hospital, John Hughes and kitty pajamas...

When I was a little girl I would lie ( lie, lay, who can ever get this right without having to look it up all the time! ) on my belly on the family room floor with the Sears catalog and pick out all the toys I wanted... ( now that I read that I think of my seven-year-old spewing falsehoods while reclining on the floor...)
Like all kids my age did...
But then...
Then, as a young girl completely confused by all matters involving boys, and having not yet been corrupted by the John Hughes version of reality, I would look through the lingerie section trying desperately to come to a conclusion as to whether or not I would be the girl in the cutesy kitten pajamas or the sultry vixen in the slinky lingerie.
Yes...I thought I had to choose....cut me some slack I didn't know how grown up things worked. At that age, my understanding of all things sexual came from watching General Hospital at my aunt's house. So basically I thought that sleeping with someone was a literal term where you lay in bed unconscious with a man...a man with a very hairy chest of course...and for some reason that I didn't understand, you had to sleep with your head on his chest. I never understood that part, but that was how Luke and Laura did it so I thought that was the gig...
I was really worried though because I really liked the kitty pajamas and they never wore them on General Hospital.
That was supposed to be a delightfully funny segue into my struggle with wanting to write two very different kinds of books and my efforts to merge the two without alienating any of you...but now the kids are asking me for strange things that would involve a lot of paper towels and my brain froze up.
Here's the TLDR version because I think that's dinner burning that I smell...Everly is going to be getting a new set of pajamas...they're silk, dead sexy and they have Kitties all over them.
Don't worry there won't be any nice making with no-no parts right there for the whole world to see. That goes on behind door number three, which we won't open.
Oh my God I think I just used some kind of texting bolts will strike. TLDR, that means jump to the end right? I hope so...that's what I meant

There once was an author named Karny...

There once was an author named Karny,

Who hoped she was real good at blarney,

She wrote everyday,

but the pages went away...

In the mouth of a large dog named Arnie...

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ding Dong!

You know those irritating people who you're always running into at the grocery store and they tell you to come on by they'd love to see you, but then whenever you do...They're never home! Yeah...that's me. Someone has definitely put a sleeping spell on me because I'm fairly certain it's now on earth did this happen. Oy! I've got just a few things to get the immortal words of Prince Humperdinck...

 " I've got my country's 500th anniversary to planmy wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it. I'm swamped." 

I stopped by to do a little something- something and lo and behold, you've been over here! I better get crackin'...there's books to be written. Poor Forney's just dangling in the breeze, waiting for some kind of resolution. What the heck is that thing on her neck anyway? Anyone have any guesses? 

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bite Mark releasing in October...

Join me for the next installment in the wacky adventures of our little town of Bonhomme, Me., when Forney Tremont blasts into town looking for the seven-foot tall man with the vicious dog! A little prequel whistle wetter was included in the new anthology Witch or Treat a delightful new Halloween anthology chock full of Halloween goodness. Go check it out and pick up a copy while it's still .99 cents. There's a whole passel of supernatural goodness to keep you busy with a whole slew of authors that everyone loves to read...get her done now! Here's the link...Witch or Treat 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Notebooks, glue sticks and lunch bags Oh My!

So I haven't been around in a few days, it's that time of year when I stand in the middle of the kitchen with my hands over my eyes while the world spins around me. Back to school, schedule changes at work, buying uniforms, buying new clothes, notebooks, lunch bags, glue sticks and on and on it goes. I thought I'd let you know that Finding Thyme has had new edits, if you'd like the update go to your manage content page on Amazon and you can click on the update there. Telling Thyme will be getting it's new edits this week. I like to do things out of order, that's how I roll.
I'm going to need about an extra twelve hours a day this week to get everything done. Once all the Mom-ing and employee-ing and wife-ing is done there's not always time for authoring, which means a choice between sleep and writing, and writing only wins for about three days before sleep takes control.
 I'm working on the prequel story to a little spinoff series in Everly's world. This one will be all about Everly's daughter will be released as part of a Halloween anthology with a bunch of far more organized authors than me in, I think, mid September? I'll let you know more about that when it's more settled. I definitely need to get more organized. I've got three planners in my desk but they're not doing their jobs with blank pages.
 I got a wonderful email from a reader today which came on the heels of a nasty review. Someone didn't like my books and took up quite a bit of space illuminating each and every point of dislike. Sometimes it's hard to see those kinds of reviews, but it's then when I remind myself that I write these books to entertain, and I'm not going to entertain everyone. So Karma stepped in and evened out the world with a note from a reader telling me how much they enjoyed my book, there, even Stephens. Actually that's not entirely true, the happy reader tipped the scales a little. Sometimes it's hard to explain the balancing act of being an author. You're running a business that sells books yes, but those books are meant to serve a purpose far beyond an exchange of monies. Maybe when I get a little more time I'll add onto my about section and explain how it is that I came to write's all about the laughs...and for now it's all about ordering school uniforms before I miss out on shipping deals...happy Monday!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dating myself

Ha ha, no I don't mean I'm in a relationship with myself, although I guess I am right? I mean aren't we all? Oh, look at that not even on the second line and already off topic, is that a record?
So I just dropped in to talk about how I've accepted the fact that I came into technology in the early 2010's with my heels dug in squarely and a lot of effort from my husband.
I spent forever learning how to have a blog ( right here at good ole' Blogger ) and frankly, I just can't work that fancy one I had over at the other place. I know it's ridiculous, but I couldn't get a post to publish.
I know right?
So I've returned to the fold, where us not quite old not quite young people find our happy middle ground in this internet world. See I'm not old enough to call it the interwebs, but a little too old to really grasp the concept of snapchat...
As soon as I get ma'werds' down for the day I'll be heading on over to my books to make changes to all my links as well as correct a few typos that some thoughtful readers pointed out.
Meanwhile, I think we'll be seeing a whole lot more of each other, I hope that's o.k., I mean, I love having these chats...don't you?
Now I just have to figure out how to get that newsletter signup in here!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Mother's Day Promotion

Head on over to the awesome Regina Wellings's website for a glorious promotion this weekend...lots of paranormal goodness for your eyes to pore over!